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Please use the form on the right to e-mail Village Arts.


Phone: 609.502.1674


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(123) 555-6789


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Link to read me page with more information.

Kids' Art Classes

Village Arts is currently seeking a location to share one night a week to host a kid’s art class. The space must be able to fit tables and stools (we can provide) for at least 12 students. Access to a bathroom is necessary. If you have a business space that could use extra income, please contact Carrie at 609-502-1674.

Newell Elementary Afterschool Art Club

If your child is a K-4 student at Newell Elementary (no outside students allowed) and you want to sign up for our Winter Afterschool Art Club at Newell please register here:

The club will be held on Wednesdays, 3:45 - 4:45pm, starting January 8, 2025 for 10 weeks.

Start a new class with any group of 6 or more! Homeschool groups welcome!

Single class workshops are also available for scouts, clubs, and other organizations.